How to get the"O" back in Our Soul
We need to have a high view of God now before we can enter into a new seasons in our life....
But othe meek shall inherit the land
and delight themselves in pabundant peace.
But othe meek shall inherit the land
and delight themselves in pabundant peace.
“Blessed are the wmeek, for they wshall inherit the earth
An attitude of humble, submissive and expectant trust in God, and a loving, patient and gentle attitude towards others.
A lack of strength, whether physical or spiritual. Scripture attributes weakness to human sin and foolishness and urges believers to find their true strength in God alone.
Man, Value of
A man should carry two stones in his pocket. On one should be inscribed, “I am but dust and ashes.” On the other, “For my sake was the world created.” And he should refer to each stone as he needs it.828